An object defining all possible Camera class instancing parameters

interface CameraParams {
    fov?: number;
    near?: number;
    far?: number;
    width?: number;
    height?: number;
    pixelRatio?: number;
    onMatricesChanged?: (() => void);

Hierarchy (view full)


fov?: number

Camera perspective field of view. Should be greater than 0 and lower than 180

near?: number

Camera near plane, the closest point where a mesh vertex is drawn

far?: number

Camera far plane, the farthest point where a mesh vertex is drawn

width?: number

Camera frustum width

height?: number

Camera frustum height

pixelRatio?: number

Camera pixel ratio

onMatricesChanged?: (() => void)

callback to execute when one of the camera matrices changed

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • callback to execute when one of the camera matrices changed

      Returns void