Base parameters used to create a DirectionalLight.

interface DirectionalLightBaseParams {
    position?: Vec3;
    target?: Vec3;
    shadow?: DirectionalShadowParams;
    color?: Vec3;
    intensity?: number;

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position?: Vec3

The DirectionalLight position. Default to Vec3(1).

target?: Vec3

The DirectionalLight target. Default to Vec3(0).

The DirectionalLight shadow parameters used to create a DirectionalShadow. If not set, the DirectionalShadow won't be set as active and won't cast any shadows. On the other hand, if anything is passed (even an empty object), the DirectionalShadow will start casting shadows, so use with caution. Default to null (which means the DirectionalLight will not cast shadows).

color?: Vec3

The Light color. Default to Vec3(1).

intensity?: number

The Light intensity. Default to 1.