Defines the returned values when an intersection between the ray and a projected mesh has been found.

interface Intersection {
    object: ProjectedMesh;
    distance: number;
    localPoint: Vec3;
    point: Vec3;
    triangle: Vec3[];
    triangleIndex: number;
    uv?: Vec2;
    normal?: Vec3;


Intersected projected mesh.

distance: number

Distance from the ray origin to the intersection point.

localPoint: Vec3

Coordinate of the intersection point in object local space.

point: Vec3

Coordinate of the intersection point in world space.

triangle: Vec3[]

The triangle (as an array of Vec3 vertices) inside which lies the intersection point.

triangleIndex: number

Index of the triangle in the projected mesh geometry position or index array.

uv?: Vec2

Interpolated uv coordinates of the intersection point.

normal?: Vec3

Interpolated normal of the intersection point, in object local space.