A typed view into a bufferView. A bufferView contains raw binary data. An accessor provides a typed view into a bufferView or a subset of a bufferView similar to how WebGL's vertexAttribPointer() defines an attribute in a buffer

interface IAccessor {
    extensions?: Record<string, unknown>;
    extras?: Record<string, unknown>;
    name?: string;
    bufferView?: number;
    byteOffset?: number;
    componentType: AccessorComponentType;
    normalized?: boolean;
    count: number;
    type: AccessorType;
    max?: number[];
    min?: number[];
    sparse?: IAccessorSparse;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


extensions?: Record<string, unknown>

Dictionary object with extension-specific objects

extras?: Record<string, unknown>

Application-Specific data

name?: string

The user-defined name of this object

bufferView?: number

The index of the bufferview

byteOffset?: number

The offset relative to the start of the bufferView in bytes

componentType: AccessorComponentType

The datatype of components in the attribute

normalized?: boolean

Specifies whether integer data values should be normalized

count: number

The number of attributes referenced by this accessor

Specifies if the attribute is a scalar, vector, or matrix

max?: number[]

Maximum value of each component in this attribute

min?: number[]

Minimum value of each component in this attribute

Sparse storage of attributes that deviate from their initialization value