Texture sampler properties for filtering and wrapping modes

interface ISampler {
    extensions?: Record<string, unknown>;
    extras?: Record<string, unknown>;
    name?: string;
    magFilter?: TextureMagFilter;
    minFilter?: TextureMinFilter;
    wrapS?: TextureWrapMode;
    wrapT?: TextureWrapMode;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


extensions?: Record<string, unknown>

Dictionary object with extension-specific objects

extras?: Record<string, unknown>

Application-Specific data

name?: string

The user-defined name of this object

magFilter?: TextureMagFilter

Magnification filter. Valid values correspond to WebGL enums: 9728 (NEAREST) and 9729 (LINEAR)

minFilter?: TextureMinFilter

Minification filter. All valid values correspond to WebGL enums

S (U) wrapping mode. All valid values correspond to WebGL enums

T (V) wrapping mode. All valid values correspond to WebGL enums