Joints and matrices defining a skin

interface ISkin {
    extensions?: Record<string, unknown>;
    extras?: Record<string, unknown>;
    name?: string;
    inverseBindMatrices?: number;
    skeleton?: number;
    joints: number[];

Hierarchy (View Summary)


extensions?: Record<string, unknown>

Dictionary object with extension-specific objects

extras?: Record<string, unknown>

Application-Specific data

name?: string

The user-defined name of this object

inverseBindMatrices?: number

The index of the accessor containing the floating-point 4x4 inverse-bind matrices. The default is that each matrix is a 4x4 identity matrix, which implies that inverse-bind matrices were pre-applied

skeleton?: number

The index of the node used as a skeleton root. When undefined, joints transforms resolve to scene root

joints: number[]

Indices of skeleton nodes, used as joints in this skin. The array length must be the same as the count property of the inverseBindMatrices accessor (when defined)