Used as a shell to build actual bindings upon, like BufferBinding, WritableBufferBinding, TextureBinding and SamplerBinding.

Ultimately the goal of a Binding element is to provide correct resources for GPUBindGroupLayoutEntry and GPUBindGroupEntry.

Each Binding creates its own WGSL code snippet variable declaration, using structured types or not.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



label: string

The label of the Binding.

name: string

The name/key of the Binding.

bindingType: BindingType

The binding type of the Binding.

visibility: number

The visibility of the Binding in the shaders.

options: BindingParams

Options used to create this Binding.

shouldResetBindGroup: boolean

Flag indicating whether we should recreate the parentMesh bind group, usually when a resource has changed.

shouldResetBindGroupLayout: boolean

Flag indicating whether we should recreate the parentMesh GPU bind group layout, usually when a resource layout has changed.

cacheKey: string

A cache key allowing to get / set bindings from the device manager map cache. Used for BufferBinding only at the moment.