An object defining all possible TextureBinding class instancing parameters

interface TextureBindingParams {
    label?: string;
    name?: string;
    visibility?: MaterialShadersType[];
    bindingType?: DOMTextureBindingType;
    texture: TextureBindingResource;
    format?: GPUTextureFormat;
    access?: BindingMemoryAccessType;
    viewDimension?: GPUTextureViewDimension;
    multisampled?: boolean;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


label?: string

Binding label.

name?: string

Binding name/key.

visibility?: MaterialShadersType[]

Binding variables shaders visibility as an array of shaders types names.

bindingType?: DOMTextureBindingType

The binding type of the TextureBinding

format?: GPUTextureFormat

The texture format to use

The storage texture binding memory access types (read only, write only or read/write)

viewDimension?: GPUTextureViewDimension

The texture view dimension to use

multisampled?: boolean

Whethe the texture is a multisampled texture. Mainly used internally by depth textures if needed.