Base parameters used to create a Shadow.

interface ShadowBaseParams {
    intensity?: number;
    bias?: number;
    normalBias?: number;
    pcfSamples?: number;
    depthTextureSize?: Vec2;
    depthTextureFormat?: GPUTextureFormat;
    autoRender?: boolean;
    light: DirectionalLight | PointLight;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


intensity?: number

Intensity of the shadow in the [0, 1] range. Default to 1.

bias?: number

Shadow map bias. Default to 0.

normalBias?: number

Shadow map normal bias. Default to 0.

pcfSamples?: number

Number of samples to use for Percentage Closer Filtering calculations in the shader. Increase for smoother shadows, at the cost of performance. Default to 1.

depthTextureSize?: Vec2

Size of the depth Texture to use. Default to Vec2(512).

depthTextureFormat?: GPUTextureFormat

Format of the depth Texture to use. Default to depth24plus.

autoRender?: boolean

Whether the shadow should be automatically rendered each frame or not. Should be set to false if the scene is static and be rendered manually instead. Default to true.

The light that will be used to cast shadows.