This is the main class used to create and handle textures that can be used with ComputePass and/or Mesh. Also used as copy source/destination for RenderPass and RenderTarget.

Mostly useful to handle depth and storages textures or to copy anything outputted to the screen at one point or another. It can handle basic data or image bitmap upload, but for external sources textures (like images, videos or canvases) you should use the MediaTexture class instead.

Will create a GPUTexture and its associated TextureBinding.

// create a texture
// assuming 'renderer' is a valid GPURenderer
const texture = new Texture(renderer, {
label: 'My texture',
name: 'myTexture',

Hierarchy (View Summary)



renderer: Renderer

renderer used by this Texture.

type: string

The type of the Texture.

uuid: string

The universal unique id of this Texture.

texture: GPUTexture

The GPUTexture used.

Size of the texture source, usually our renderer canvas size.

options: TextureParams

Options used to create this Texture.

Array of bindings that will actually only hold one texture binding.



  • Upload a source to the GPU and use it for our texture.


    • parameters: {
          source: GPUCopyExternalImageSource;
          width?: number;
          height?: number;
          depth?: number;
          origin?: GPUOrigin3D;
          colorSpace?: PredefinedColorSpace;

      parameters used to upload the source.

      • source: GPUCopyExternalImageSource

        source to use for our texture.

      • Optionalwidth?: number

        source width.

      • Optionalheight?: number

        source height.

      • Optionaldepth?: number

        source depth.

      • Optionalorigin?: GPUOrigin3D
      • OptionalcolorSpace?: PredefinedColorSpace

    Returns void

  • Use data as the texture source and upload it to the GPU.


    • parameters: {
          width?: number;
          height?: number;
          depth?: number;
          origin?: GPUOrigin3D;
          data?: Float32Array;

      parameters used to upload the source.

    Returns void