Used to regroup all bindings related to textures (texture, texture matrices buffers and samplers) into one single specific BindGroup.

Also responsible for uploading video textures if needed.

// set our main GPUCurtains instance
const gpuCurtains = new GPUCurtains({
container: '#canvas' // selector of our WebGPU canvas container

// set the GPU device
// note this is asynchronous
await gpuCurtains.setDevice()

// create a texture
const texture = new Texture(gpuCurtains, {
label: 'Input texture',
name: 'inputTexture',

// create a texture bind group using that texture
const textureBindGroup = new TextureBindGroup(gpuCurtains, {
label: 'My texture bind group',
textures: [texture],
uniforms: {
params: {
struct: {
opacity: {
type: 'f32',
value: 1,
mousePosition: {
type: 'vec2f',
value: new Vec2(),

// create the GPU buffer, bindGroupLayout and bindGroup

Hierarchy (View Summary)



type: string

The type of the BindGroup.

uuid: string

The universal unique id of the BindGroup.

renderer: Renderer

The Renderer used.

Options used to create this BindGroup.

index: number

Index of this BindGroup, used to link struct in the shaders.

List of bindings (buffers, texture, etc.) handled by this BindGroup.

Our BindGroup entries objects.

bindGroupLayout: GPUBindGroupLayout
bindGroup: GPUBindGroup
layoutCacheKey: string

A cache key allowing to get / set GPUBindGroupLayout from the device manager map cache.

pipelineCacheKey: string

A cache key allowing the PipelineManager to compare RenderPipelineEntry bind groups content.

needsPipelineFlush: boolean

Flag indicating whether we need to flush and recreate the pipeline using this BindGroup.

consumers: Set<string>

A Set to store this BindGroup consumers (Material uuid).

texturesMatricesBinding: BufferBinding

A BufferBinding with all the MediaTexture modelMatrix if any.

