An object defining all possible TextureBindGroup class instancing parameters

interface TextureBindGroupParams {
    textures?: MaterialTexture[];
    samplers?: Sampler[];
    uniforms?: ReadOnlyInputBindings;
    storages?: ReadWriteInputBindings;
    bindings?: BindGroupBindingElement[];
    label?: string;
    index?: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


textures?: MaterialTexture[]

array of textures to add to a TextureBindGroup

samplers?: Sampler[]

array of Sampler to add to a TextureBindGroup

uniforms input to pass to a BindGroup

read only or read/write storages input to pass to a BindGroup

array of already created bindings (buffers, texture, etc.) to pass to this BindGroup

label?: string

BindGroup label

index?: number

BindGroup index (used to generate shader code)