Interface RenderMaterialBaseRenderingOptions

Base rendering options to send to the render pipeline.

interface RenderMaterialBaseRenderingOptions {
    useProjection: boolean;
    transparent: boolean;
    depth: boolean;
    depthWriteEnabled: boolean;
    depthCompare: GPUCompareFunction;
    depthFormat: GPUTextureFormat;
    cullMode: GPUCullMode;
    sampleCount: number;
    targets: GPUColorTargetState[];

Hierarchy (View Summary)


useProjection: boolean

Whether this RenderMaterial should implicitly use the renderer camera and lights bind group.

transparent: boolean

Whether this RenderMaterial should be treated as transparent. Impacts the render pipeline blend property.

depth: boolean

Whether this RenderMaterial should write to the depth buffer.

depthWriteEnabled: boolean

Whether this RenderMaterial should enable depth write.

depthCompare: GPUCompareFunction

Depth function to use with this RenderMaterial.

depthFormat: GPUTextureFormat

Format of the depth texture to use with this RenderMateria.l

cullMode: GPUCullMode

Cull mode to use with this RenderMaterial.

sampleCount: number

The sampleCount of the RenderPass onto which we'll be drawing. Set internally.

targets: GPUColorTargetState[]

Array of one or multiple targets properties.

Each target should be an object with the optional format, blend and writeMask properties.

The format property will be internally patched to match the output RenderPass target (default to the renderer preferred format).

If defined, the blend property can override the default transparent blending if set.