Declare all the parameters coming from the fragment shader input struct. Used to declare mandatories frontFacing (bool), normal (vec3f), worldPosition (vec3f), viewDirection (vec3f) and modelScale (vec3f) passed by the vertex shader, as well as optionals tangent (vec3f), bitangent (vec3f) and UV coordinates (vec2f). Eventual vertex colors will be handled by the get-base-color chunk.

  • Parameters

    • parameters: { geometry?: Geometry; additionalVaryings?: { type: string; name: string }[] }

      Parameters used to declare the attributes variables.

      • Optionalgeometry?: Geometry

        Geometry used to declare the attributes variables.

      • OptionaladditionalVaryings?: { type: string; name: string }[]

        Optional additional varyings passed from the vertex shader to the fragment shader to declare.

    Returns string

    • A string with all the attributes variables declared.