Defines the parameters used to create the vertex shader.

interface VertexShaderInputParams {
    bindings?: BufferBinding[];
    geometry: Geometry;
    chunks?: AdditionalChunks;
    additionalVaryings?: { type: string; name: string }[];

Hierarchy (View Summary)


bindings?: BufferBinding[]

Array of BufferBinding used to create the vertex shader. Typical BufferBinding used are instances, and the ones that include morphTarget or skin in their name properties.

geometry: Geometry

Geometry used to create the vertex shader. Will use the vertexBuffers and instancesCount properties.

Additional WGSL chunks to add to the shader.

additionalVaryings?: { type: string; name: string }[]

Optional additional varyings to pass from the vertex shader to the fragment shader.

Type declaration

  • type: string

    type of the varying.

  • name: string

    name of the varying.