Used to create a Geometry from given parameters like instances count or geometry attributes (vertices, uvs, normals).
Holds all attributes arrays, bounding box and create as WGSL code snippet for the vertex shader input attributes.

During the render, the Geometry is responsible for setting the vertexBuffers and drawing the vertices.

const vertices = new Float32Array([
// first triangle
1, 1, 0,
1, -1, 0,
-1, -1, 0,

// second triangle
1, 1, 0,
-1, -1, 0,
-1, 1, 0

// create a quad geometry made of 2 triangles
const geometry = new Geometry()

name: 'position',
type: 'vec3f',
bufferFormat: 'float32x3',
size: 3,
bufferLength: vertices.length,
array: vertices,

Hierarchy (View Summary)



verticesCount: number

Number of vertices defined by this geometry

verticesOrder: GPUFrontFace

Vertices order to be drawn by the render pipeline

topology: GPUPrimitiveTopology

Topology to use with this Geometry, i.e. whether to draw triangles or points

instancesCount: number

Number of instances of this geometry to draw

vertexBuffers: VertexBuffer[]

Array of vertex buffers to use with this geometry

Options used to create this geometry

type: string

The type of the geometry

uuid: string

The universal unique id of the geometry

indirectDraw: IndirectDrawParams

Allow to draw this Geometry with an IndirectBuffer if set.

boundingBox: Box3

The bounding box of the geometry, i.e. two Vec3 defining the min and max positions to wrap this geometry in a cube

wgslStructFragment: string

A string to append to our shaders code describing the WGSL structure representing this geometry attributes

layoutCacheKey: string

A string representing the vertexBuffers layout, used for pipelines caching

consumers: Set<string>

A Set to store this Geometry consumers (Mesh uuid)

ready: boolean

Whether this geometry is ready to be drawn, i.e. it has been computed and all its vertex buffers have been created


  • get shouldCompute(): boolean
  • Get whether this Geometry is ready to compute, i.e. if its first vertex buffer array has not been created yet

    Returns boolean


  • Compute the normal Vec3 from a triangle defined by three Vec3 by computing edges Vec3.


    • vertex1: Vec3

      first triangle position

    • vertex2: Vec3

      second triangle position

    • vertex3: Vec3

      third triangle position

    • edge1: Vec3

      first edge

    • edge2: Vec3

      second edge

    • normal: Vec3

      flat normal generated.

    Returns void

  • Compute a Geometry, which means iterate through all vertex buffers and create the attributes array that will be sent as buffers. Also compute the Geometry bounding box.

    Returns void