Interface SceneObjectTextureOptions

Parameters used by the various scene objects (meshes and compute passes) for their textures options.

interface SceneObjectTextureOptions {
    format?: GPUTextureFormat;
    generateMips?: boolean;
    flipY?: boolean;
    premultipliedAlpha?: boolean;
    viewDimension?: GPUTextureViewDimension;
    aspect?: GPUTextureAspect;
    colorSpace?: PredefinedColorSpace;
    visibility?: MaterialShadersType[];
    placeholderColor?: [number, number, number, number];
    useExternalTextures?: boolean;
    cache?: boolean;
    useTransform?: boolean;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


format?: GPUTextureFormat

The GPUTexture format to use. Default to 'rgba8unorm'.

generateMips?: boolean

Whether to generate mips. Default to false.

flipY?: boolean

Whether to flip the source along the Y axis. Default to false.

premultipliedAlpha?: boolean

Whether this texture should be premultiplied or not. Default to false.

viewDimension?: GPUTextureViewDimension

The GPUTexture view dimension to use. Default to '2d'.

aspect?: GPUTextureAspect

Define which aspect of the texture to write the image to. Default to all.

colorSpace?: PredefinedColorSpace

Define the colorSpace and encoding used to encode data into the destination texture. Default to srgb.

visibility?: MaterialShadersType[]

The texture shaders visibility sent to the texture binding. Default to 'fragment'.

placeholderColor?: [number, number, number, number]

Solid color used by temporary texture to display while loading the source, as an array of RGBA integer values in the [0, 255] range. Default to [0, 0, 0, 255] (solid black).

useExternalTextures?: boolean

Whether video textures should use GPUExternalTexture or not. Default to true.

cache?: boolean

Whether to keep the texture in the renderer cache when a Material tries to destroy it. Default to true.

useTransform?: boolean

Whether to use a transformation Mat3 to use in the shaders for UV transformations. If set to true, will create a BufferBinding accessible in the shaders with the name ${}Matrix.