Define the parameters used to create the EnvironmentMap.

interface EnvironmentMapParams {
    lutTextureParams?: LUTTextureParams;
    diffuseTextureParams?: DiffuseTextureParams;
    specularTextureParams?: SpecularTextureParams;
    diffuseIntensity?: number;
    specularIntensity?: number;
    rotation?: number;



lutTextureParams?: LUTTextureParams

Define the parameters used to create the LUT Texture.

diffuseTextureParams?: DiffuseTextureParams

Define the parameters used to create the diffuse cube map Texture.

specularTextureParams?: SpecularTextureParams

Define the parameters used to create the specular cube map Texture.

diffuseIntensity?: number

Define the intensity of the indirect diffuse contribution to use in a PBR shader. Default to 1.

specularIntensity?: number

Define the intensity of the indirect specular contribution to use in a PBR shader. Default to 1.

rotation?: number

Define the EnvironmentMap rotation along Y axis, in radians. Default to Math.PI / 2 (90 degrees).