Used to by the Renderer to render everything that needs to be rendered (compute passes, meshes and/or render bundles) in the right order with the right pass descriptors and target textures, perform textures copy at the right time, etc.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



transforms: Object3DTransforms
children: Object3D[]

Children Object3D in the scene graph, used to compute their own world matrix

object3DIndex: number

Index (order of creation) of this Object3D. Used in the parent / children relation.

matricesNeedUpdate: boolean

Whether at least one of this Object3D matrix needs an update.

renderer: Renderer

Renderer used by this Scene

computePassEntries: ComputePass[]

Array of ComputePass to render, ordered by renderOrder

renderPassEntries: RenderPassEntries

A RenderPassEntries object that will contain every Meshes or RenderBundle that need to be drawn, put inside each one of our three entries type arrays: pingPong, renderTarget and screen.



  • Before actually rendering the scene, update matrix stack and frustum culling checks. Batching these calls greatly improve performance. Called by the renderer before rendering.

    Returns void