Define the ScenesManager.

interface ScenesManager {
    node: Object3D;
    nodes: Map<number, Object3D>;
    boundingBox: Box3;
    samplers: Sampler[];
    materialsTextures: MaterialTexture[];
    materialsParams: MeshDescriptorMaterialParams[];
    scenes: ChildDescriptor[];
    meshes: LitMesh[];
    meshesDescriptors: MeshDescriptor[];
    animations: TargetsAnimationsManager[];
    cameras: Camera[];
    skins: SkinDefinition[];
    lights: Light[];


node: Object3D

Object3D used as a parent for all scenes nodes.

nodes: Map<number, Object3D>

A Map of all the nodes Object3D created by the ScenesManager.

boundingBox: Box3

Final computed bounding box of the scenes.

samplers: Sampler[]

Array of Sampler used by this ScenesManager.

materialsTextures: MaterialTexture[]

Array of MaterialTexture describing the material, Texture and Sampler relationship.

materialsParams: MeshDescriptorMaterialParams[]

Array of MeshDescriptorMaterialParams created from the glTF materials.

scenes: ChildDescriptor[]

Array of scenes as ChildDescriptor.

meshes: LitMesh[]

Array of created LitMesh to render this ScenesManager scene.

meshesDescriptors: MeshDescriptor[]

Array of MeshDescriptor used to create the meshes.

Array of TargetsAnimationsManager used by this ScenesManager.

cameras: Camera[]

Array of available created Camera.

Array of SkinDefinition used by this ScenesManager.

lights: Light[]

Array of predefined Light used by this ScenesManager.